Soraya F1

Greenhouse cultivation | Winter and summer

High yield and year-round production

Tasty strawberry F1 'Soraya: an important addition to the assortment for the Fresh Market. This everbearing variety grows well under sustainable LED lighting and produces beautiful, firm and long-lasting fruits that are ideally suited for the retail.

From clean starting material, the plant grows into a strong and vital crop under LED. The fruits that are produced are also beautiful, firm, uniform and above all: very tasty! The ever-bearing strawberry variety 'Soraya' has already proven itself in summer greenhouse cultivation, therefore the variety is well suited for year-round cultivation.

Demo rock wool cultivation

At ABZ Seeds (Andijk) a visit can be made to the greenhouse during the winter season, to check out the demo cultivation on rock wool. Please note: a visit can only be made by appointment.

Jewel in the ABZ range

'Soraya' is a feminine name of Persian origin. 'Soraya' refers to Septa and also means 'jewel'. Strawberry 'Soraya' therefore shines like a jewel in the ABZ range. In the design of the label we used the fairytale-like Persian atmosphere.


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