Rowena F1

Open field | Summer

High Yield, Strong and Healthy Plant

Modern consumers want to enjoy strawberries with full flavor, especially during summer. Thanks to the unique concept of seed propagated F1 hybrids, these strawberries can be produced locally in a sustainable way. High yield, excellent red fruit color and good weather resistance put F1 Rowena strawberries in a class on its own. This is why Rowena strawberries will be the favorites of many growers and gourmet consumers alike.

Strawberry F1 hybrid Rowena showed remarkable results for both high yield and weather resistance in open field culture. Rowena was confirmed in consecutive trials at Vertify (then Proeftuin Zwaagdijk) as a very productive ever bearer. Fruit of Rowena showed excellent transportability and shelf life. Rowena performs well in open field culture and in outdoor gutter culture.


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